If you don’t know the destination, how will you know when to stop?”

And, as I set about recording my intended mind over matter determination to combat the ravages of Parkinsons another Irish witticism is also appropriate.

“Assessing the task ahead I wouldn’t be starting from here!!”

Well now, how then and where do I start?

Some years ago, after I retired as a General Manager of First National Bank., I wanted a complete change in my life and so set objectives completely alien to my working career.

And so I did a “SWOT” analysis of myself.

In the solitude of my study, I decided to be entirely honest and reached into the very innermost parts of my psyche. My oh my, what a revelation, as old forgotten skeletons and those hidden under layers of denial, rattled their iniquitous bones! However, it was in a sense a real catharsis. With much trepidation I admitted to some very personal weaknesses hidden away.!

(I recommend you do a swot analysis of yourself. Be entirely honest and I guarantee you will be surprised at what flows from an appraisal of your innermost self!)

I am achievement oriented, so I need challenges to keep active. Accordingly, I set myself several goals…….way beyond my expectations of  successful accomplishments!! I was determined to enjoy the journey and if I eventually succeeded, to let it be a bonus!!

I set a number of personal objectives and three “impossible” goals:

 -Publish a book

 -Have a successful art exhibition

 -Play in a philharmonic orchestra

And over the past twenty-five years I have had a wonderful journey of discovery and believe it or not, succeeding spectacularly in all three goals ……. way beyond my wildest dreams/proving the power of a positive mind.

I equate feeling old to a young man waking up wondering what the hell has happened! You know when it either dries up or leaks, when there is a need to take naps between sleeps etc etc……and almost without any fanfare realised I was eighty-four years old!  

I have Parkinsons and battling at present……as a result many of my pursuits have come to an end: playing the double bass in philharmonic orchestras, golf, jogging and so on. I can hardly walk and shuffle with the aid of a walker; driving my car is something of the past.

This morning, I decided to do something about it. Instead of allowing myself to be cloistered in a box……….you know when subliminally and overtly society will classify you as elderly, over the hill, had a good innings, and so on ad nauseum!

Hence my title ?   COX OUT OF THE BOX!

I firmly believe in the power of the mind. You are what you think you are!

I also believe in God’s omnipotence but for those who do their best to help themselves.

I have as a result coined my own acronym…..AGED…..which I am trying to apply to my life:


A                  Attitude


G                  God


E                   Exercise


D                   Diet

This opens a never-ending debate which may be a topic for much meaningful discussion but for now I have decided on another “impossible” goal”.


I have decided to walk from Schoenmakerskop to Cape Town.

Figuratively speaking, I have mapped out a route in stunning Schoenmakerskop where I live. I have a four-wheeler push assist and will shuffle at first hoping to strengthen,,,,only a  few hundred meters in the beginning!  But it is a start, and I am determined to enjoy the journey.

So, if you are interested, I will love to hear from you especially those of you who are acquainted with Mr Parkinson!


Talbot Cox

c/o Periwinkle Studio


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082 4 9696 22

Ps: my walking aid is named “Fartlek” in memory of my jogging days!


Who-Knows-OilThe most gifted script writer could not have created a more terrifying horror story to portray our current South African scene. This past week's news has been one dreadful, calamitous story after another culminating in the Grace Mugabe scandal! Once again the ANC regime publicly flaunted its total disregard for the South African constitution and failed to uphold and protect the rights of its very own people by giving this foreign woman who is guilty of a crass assault, diplomatic immunity. Shame on them! If the Zimbabwean Government had one shred of integrity they too would have insisted Mugabe stand trial for her act of brutality. They and the ANC are birds of a feather and deserve each other! And so much for the ANC's constant rhetoric that nobody is above the law etc.!
Our president Zuma is the custodian of our culture. He, however, is bereft of any moral integrity. He is pilloried by even his own people as corrupt, immoral and debauched and as such he is compromised when having to deal with the morals of his henchmen. He does not hold himself accountable to the solemn oath of office to promote and uphold our constitution consequently neither do the sycophants he has surrounded himself with. The ANC's collective management style means no one is held accountable. This malaise filters down from the very top down to every facet of our South African society.

image34 2"There is an absence of democratic accountability and control in every sphere of government and the state. To address this debilitating legacy requires determined action and a deep commitment to transforming our society from a crisis ridden present into something all South Africans can be truly proud of."

Does this sound true today?

Schoenies-PenAndWash-no35Schoenmakerskop is not only a tranquil, sleepy little village for its residents. No, for many, many years it has been and still is a favourite destination for thousands of Port Elizabethans and tourists. Then there are the many cyclists who love the circuit through Schoenies ....you will seldom find the road without cyclists irrespective of the time of day. Schoenies is a Port Elizabeth institution.
It belongs to all the people of our Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole and is loved by many. And now, some mining conglomerate wants to destroy the tranquillity, the beauty and the peace of this little village by foisting on its residents an ugly, brutal, sand digging catastrophe with enormous obnoxious trucks that will defile its road!

Now, more than ever, the racial divide simmering below the surface of our everyday life in South Africa has transcended into a virulent reality! The gloves are off. There is no more posturing as our striking students dare to bare the reality:"F...the whites. Kill the whites!" as slogans on t-shirts clearly validate! It is an anti-white, anti-colonial frustration that boils over into a cultural resentment spawning hatred with an aimless desire for conflict and destruction!

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