Momentous times we live in! And what a mess we South African folk find ourselves in! With hindsight my letter to the Herald regarding the State of the Nation penned a few days ago and debating the current lack of leadership in the country clearly was a premonition of the findings delivered by our Chief Justice yesterday about our President's actions or lack thereof. The letter published under a banner headline appears in today's Herald. And what may you say does all this have to do with art? Well now, we artists are part of society and effected like everyone else by events around us. More so I believe, because as artists, our senses are somehow heightened...we are in a constant turmoil between ecstasy and despair! And that makes us what we expression to our feelings in whatever, art, writing.....
It was Georges Bizet who once wrote "As a musician I tell you that if you were to suppress adultery, fanaticism, crime, evil, the supernatural, there would no longer be the means for writing one note." And so we artists depict the reality around us warts and all....venting our own feelings.....
Enough said.
My book Charcoal Portraits from Photographs has been a constant source of new is one thing writing the book another publishing and selling it! This morning a photographer from the Herald took some pictures of me and the book for a feature in Monday's La Femme....all very exciting! So look out for the article!
Music is my passion and my daily early morning practice session on my double bass has proved so therapeutic over the years. While I have played the double bass for many years as part of the Eastern Cape Philharmonic orchestra, I decided five years ago to do the Trinity examinations and so every Monday morning I go to NMMU for lessons.......this year hopefully I will complete my grade eight ...the finals!! Music and my bass have opened up another world rich with so many new people and experiences. This weekend the Concert in the Park takes place: the orchestra under the baton of well-known conductor Richard Cock takes place. So if you would like a wonderful, experience make your way either Saturday afternoon at 4 pm or Sunday morning at 10 am to Victoria Park. Last year we had over 3000 people so bring your picnic basket a few easy folding chairs and come and join in the fun.
Rather a long to hear your views and so to carry on re organising and cleaning out my studio! Ugggggghhhhhhh!!!